How divorce proceedings work
before any couple can begin the divorce process, one spouse must file a legal petition asking the court to terminate the marriage.
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before any couple can begin the divorce process, one spouse must file a legal petition asking the court to terminate the marriage.
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A trust is an arrangement that allows someone to hold assets (without owning them) for the benefit of the trust beneficiaries. The key element of the trust arrangement is the transfer of ownership and control of the trust assets from the donor or founder to one or more trustees who hold the trust assets not
Estate Duty is levied on the worldwide property and deemed property of a natural person who is ordinarily resident in South Africa and on South African property of non-residents. Various deductions under section 4 of the Estate Duty Act 1955, are allowed to determine the net value of the estate. An abetment of R3.5 million
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A will is a written document that speaks for you after you die. It can communicate how you want your property and assets to be distributed; name a guardian for your children if you pass away before they reach adulthood; leave specific instructions like arrangements for your funeral. Almost all assets have to go to
Why is it important to have a will ? Read More »
A civil lawyer is most commonly referred to as a Litigator. A civil attorney or litigator deals with non criminal areas of a public dispute. These disputes usually involve a party or entity seeking compensation for damages incurred from another party or entity. The nature of civil disputes tends to focus on people, relationships, and
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You may request access to all documentation and records held by any government department, it’s officials or any other public body. It does not matter when that information came into existence. These include:• Personal records held by a government department or a public body.• Third party information or records, only with permission from the relevant
Are divorce records public? Read More »